Historic Parkrose District Improvement Grant Program
Matching awards to improve and beautify Parkrose businesses
The Historic Parkrose District Improvement Grants Program (DIG Grants) provides funding to qualifying businesses and commercial property owners in Historic Parkrose’s investment area (NE 99th and 121st on Sandy and between NE Wygant and NE Killingsworth St.; see map below). This funding is available for improvements that boost the profile of businesses and Historic Parkrose as a district.
The maximum grant award is $25,000. Note: All grants require a minimum 40% financial “match” from the grant recipient (Grantee).
Grant applications are accepted year-round and are available in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Russian. Reaching out to speak with a staff member before applying is encouraged, especially if you are new to the grants process. Assistance is available! Please contact us at 503-964-7807 or contact us via e-mail.
Who can apply for funding?
A commercial building owner or tenant with lease authority and authorization from the property owner can apply for a storefront improvement grant. Tenants must have a minimum of two years remaining on their lease or an option to renew. The project site must be located within Historic Parkrose’s investment area, between NE 99th and 121st on Sandy and between NE Wygant and NE Killingsworth. The exact boundaries of our service area can be found in our interactive map.
What types of projects are eligible for funding?
Projects must conform to all applicable rules and codes, including the Portland Zoning Code. Successful applications will demonstrate an understanding of the permitting and inspection processes required for any proposed improvement activities.
Project categories:
- Building (windows/doors, façade, flooring, energy efficiency improvements, other interior renovations)
- Branding/placemaking (signage, murals, other aesthetic improvement projects)
- Outdoor (green spaces, landscaping, permanent seating areas)
- Public safety (lighting, cameras, alarm systems, fencing)
What types of projects are ineligible for funding?
- Deferred maintenance, such as roofs and broken windows
- Debt reduction
- Temporary or removable improvements (projects must consist of permanent, physical changes)
- Improvements to residential properties (must be zoned for commercial use)
- Projects on sites that have exceeded the maximum cumulative grant award in the last 5 years.
For any questions regarding eligibility, please contact us online or call 503-964-7807.
The Historic Parkrose Design Plan prioritizes projects that further the grant program’s goals:
- Integrate sustainability (economic, environmental & social equity)
- Contribute to the overall look and feel of Historic Parkrose as a district
- Improve safety and experience for patrons, pedestrians, vehicular traffic, and business owners
- Increase visibility and attractiveness of the business or building
- Increase green space
How do I apply?
Informational Meeting
Interested applicants should contact Historic Parkrose for an appointment online or by phone at 503-964-7807.
DIG Grants are awarded during three yearly cycles, with application deadlines on February 15th, July 15th, and October 15th. Requested funds are available to selected applicants on a reimbursement basis approximately 10 weeks after the deadline.
Site Visit
Staff will make a site visit to the property to discuss the applicant’s ideas and make recommendations on how to submit an eligible proposal for the next grant cycle.
Gather Bids & Information
The applicant creates sketches/plans, obtains quotes and bids from contractors, reviews all necessary codes and permits, and budgets on how to provide the required matching funds.
Note: The total grant match percentage is based on the number of contractor bids submitted.
- If the applicant submits one bid, Historic Parkrose will cover up to 40% of the project.
- If the applicant submits two bids, Historic Parkrose will cover up to 50% of the project.
- If the applicant submits three bids, Historic Parkrose will cover up to 60% of the project.
The amount of grant funds Historic Parkrose can commit is based on the lowest of the bids submitted to complete the project outlined in the grant application. Bids from contractors located within the Parkrose neighborhood may be given preference if not the lowest bid and if no more than 5% greater than the lowest bid.
The applicant completes and submits an application form, project description, and budget. When an application is submitted, it will be considered during the next grant review cycle. Assistance completing the application is available for first-time applicants and non-English speakers.
Review Process
Grants are reviewed by Historic Parkrose’s DIG committee. Historic Parkrose may request clarifying information after the initial proposal review.
Historic Parkrose will inform all applicants of their award status approximately 8 weeks after the cycle deadline (April 15th for proposals submitted by Feb 15th, September 15th for proposals submitted by July 15th, and December 15th for proposals submitted by October 15th). If a proposal is approved by the DIG Committee, Historic Parkrose will send a grant contract containing the scope of the work that will be done and the grant dollars committed by Historic Parkrose for each component based on the bids received. This contract will also include a commitment to report project progress and key economic data points (gross revenue, number of employees or contractors, etc.) at the conclusion of the grant term (12 months after the award date).
The work must be completed within one year of receiving final approval for a DIG project. The Grantee is responsible for hiring qualified professionals to carry out the grant-funded work. To observe all applicable laws, codes, and regulations, most eligible projects will require a contractor licensed in the State of Oregon. All construction contracts are between the Grantee and the contractor(s). Grantees are responsible for obtaining necessary regulatory approvals, including the City of Portland building and development permits. All work must comply with city, state, and federal regulations.
Grantees must submit contractors’ invoices for costs to be reimbursed.
Historic Parkrose will communicate with Grantees throughout the grant term to document progress and provide assistance as necessary. After the grant term, Grantees are required to submit a grant report form detailing the results of the project to be provided by Historic Parkrose.
Thank you for your interest in applying! For questions and application assistance, please contact us online, or call 503-964-7807.
2018-2021 Funded Projects
10810 NE Sandy Blvd (O’Dear): painting, new sign, and removal of the car from the roof
11125 NE Sandy Blvd (Parkrose Chiropractic): paint and a new sign
10820 NE Sandy Blvd (El Sombrero Tapatio): paint and sign
4800 NE 108th (Swell): exterior paint
4826 NE 105th Ave: window and doors
11035 NE Sandy Blvd (Youth Center of Morrison Child & Family Services): mural (see project site)
10634 NE Sandy Blvd (Fork And Spoon Food House): new signage and flooring
10527 NE Sandy Blvd (Heritage Specialty Foods): paint and signage
4880 NE 104th Ave (Parkrose Vision): new paint, signage, and landscaping
10902 NE Sandy Blvd (Catalina’s): lighting
11516 NE Sandy Blvd (Antojitos Mexicanos Taqueria): new paint, flooring, and signage
11205 NE Sandy Blvd (Baxter Auto Parts): fencing
10834 NE Sandy Blvd (BeVan Sports Bar): window, wall
10227 NE Sandy Blvd (Bill’s Steak House Lounge): signage, paint, and lighting
10905 NE Sandy Blvd (Workplace Change): lighting, flooring, and wall